U kinu Meeting Point u Sarajevu od 12. do 14. decembra održat će se program Dani ljudskih prava. U programu su tri filma s početkom u 18 sati, panel i diksusija. Program se održava u organizaciji Ambasade Kraljevine Nizozemske i Ambasade Švicarske u Bosni i Hercegovini, uz podršku Sarajevo Film Festivala. Ulaz je besplatan!
In the Meeting Point Cinema in Sarajevo, from December 12 to 14, the Human Rights Days program will take place. The program includes three films starting at 6 p.m., a panel, and a Q&A. The event is organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the support of the Sarajevo Film Festival. Admission is free!
Kino / Meeting Point Cinema / 12-14 Dec 2023 – Utorak / Tuesday / 12.12. / 18:00
Režija / Director: Vanja Juranić
Poslije filma bit će održana panel diskusija. / A panel session will take place after the film screening.
Radnja filma prati Tinu, koja živi u naizgled idiličnom braku u gradu na jadranskoj obali. Ona je domaćica koja brine o šestogodišnjoj kćerkici, dok njen suprug Frane zarađuje za obitelj. Njihov odnos počinje se mijenjati kada Tina izrazi želju da završi fakultet koji je napustila zbog trudnoće. Unatoč prvotnom pristanku i podršci, Frane počinje pokazivati negodovanje koje se na početku svodi na sitne sabotaže. S vremenom, sukobi postaju sve češći, a svađe sve nasilnije.
Tina lives in what appears to be an idyllic marriage in q town on the Adriatic coast. She is a housewife who takes care of her six-year-old daughter, while her husband Frane provides for the family. The couple’s relationship begins to change when Tina expresses her desire to complete the college education she was forced to abandon due to her pregnancy. Despite his initially consent and his support for Tina’s endeavours, Frane starts to show disapproval, initially through minor acts of sabotage. Over time, conflicts become more frequent, and arguments turn increasingly violent.
U panelu sudjeluju / Panelists: Elma Tataragić, scenaristica /screenwriter, Vanja Juranić, rediteljica/director, Henk van den Dool, ambasador Kraljevine Nizozemske u BiH / The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jo-Anne Bishop, predstavnica UN Women ureda u BiH / Representative of UN Women Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Moderatorica / Moderator: Kristina Ljevak Bajramović.
Srijeda / Wednesday / 13.12. / 18:00 – FLAŠAROŠI / BOTTLEMEN
Režija / Director: Nemanja Vojinović
Poslije filma bit će održan razgovor s rediteljem. / The film will be followed by a Q&A with the director.
Na periferiji Beograda, na ostacima prastare vinčanske kulture, prostire se jedna od najvećih deponija otpada u Evropi. Skupljači plastičnih flaša, poznatiji kao flašaroši, teškom mukom zarađuju za život u tom toksičnom okruženju. Njihova živopisna zajednica suočava se s novim i rastućim prijetnjama. Uoči neizbježne privatizacije deponije, čitava zajednica flašaroša našla se pred zidom, zarobljena u procjepu između tehnološkog napretka i neadekvatnog sistema socijalne zaštite. Dok je ekološki efekat modernizacije deponije nemoguće procijeniti, krhka zajednica skupljača flaša prisiljena je da se sama suoči sa svojom neizvjesnom sudbinom.
On the outskirts of Belgrade, one of the largest landfills in Europe sprawls across the remains of the ancient Vinča civilization. Plastic bottle collectors, a.k.a. “Bottlemen”, eke out a difficult living in this toxic landscape. Now, their vibrant community is facing new and greater threats. Faced with the imminent privatisation of the landfill, an entire community of bottlemen is brought to a dead end, trapped in the gap between technological modernisation and an inadequate social care system. While the environmental impact of the landfill’s modernisation is unknown, the fragile community of collectors will have to face their uncertain destiny on their own.
Razgovor s rediteljem Nemanjom Vojinovićem moderira Mia Avdagić. / A conversation with director Nemanja Vojinović will be moderated by Mia Avdagić.
Četvrtak / Thursday / 14.12. / 18:00, MAME MEDVJEDICE / MAMA BEARS
Režija / Director: Daresha Kyi
Rašireni širom zemlje, ali povezani putem privatnih Facebook grupa, one sebe nazivaju „mamama medvjedicama“ jer iako je njihova ljubav topla i umiljata, one se žestoko bore da svijet učine ljubaznijim i sigurnijim za sve LGBTQ+ osobe. Iako su neke od njih možda odrasle kao fundamentalistički, evangelistički kršćani, mame medvjedice su spremne riskirati gubitak prijatelja, porodice i vjerskih zajednica kako bi zaštitile svoje potomstvo – čak i ako to dovodi u pitanje njihove sisteme vjerovanja i uništava njihove svjetove.
„Mame medvjedice“ je intimno, promišljeno istraživanje putovanja Sare Cunningham i Kimberly Shappley, dvije „mame medvjedice“ – čija ih je duboka ljubav prema njihovoj LGBTQ djeci pretvorila u žestoke zagovornice cijele queer zajednice — i Tammi Terrell Morris, mlade afroameričke lezbijke čija borba za samoprihvaćanje savršeno ilustrira zašto su mame medvjedice tako izuzetno važne.
Spread across the country but connected through private Facebook groups, they call themselves “mama bears” because while their love is warm and fuzzy, they fight ferociously to make the world kinder and safer for all LGBTQ+ people. Although some may have grown up as fundamentalist, evangelical Christians, mama bears are willing to risk losing friends, family, and faith communities to keep their offspring safe—even if it challenges their belief systems and rips their worlds apart.
“Mama Bears” is an intimate, thought-provoking exploration of the journeys taken by Sara Cunningham and Kimberly Shappley, two “mama bears” —whose profound love for their LGBTQ children has turned them into fierce advocates for the entire queer community — and Tammi Terrell Morris, a young African American lesbian whose struggle for self-acceptance perfectly exemplifies why the mama bears are so vitally important.
Ulaz je besplatan. / Free entrance.
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